Содержание 1 Alexander Borodin (1833-1887) Polowetzer Dances No17 from the opera "Furst Igor" 2 Modest Moussorgsky (1839-1881) Night at the Bald Mountain 3 Nikola] Andrejewitsch Rimskбюъпяij-Korsakow (1844-1908) Capriccio Espagnol 4 Michael Iwanowitsch Glinka (1804-1857) Epilog and final chorus from the opera "Ivan Susanin" (Russian Language) 5 Sergej Prokofjew (1891-1953): "Love Of The Three Oranges": Symphonic suite Les вллтлRidicules 6 Marche 7 Scherzo 8 Le Prince et la Princesse 9 Sergej Rachmaninoff (1873-1943): Symphony No1 in D minor op13 Larghetto Исполнитель Radio Symphony Orchestra Ljubljana RSO Ljubljana, Radio-Symphonicorchester Ljubljana.